Here are the latest News, Blogs and Resources from the Rio Club

COP27: Adaptation and Agriculture Day
COP27: Adaption and Agriculture Day saw developments and discussions centred around food systems, soil health, land use and more.
14 November, 2022 / Waste, Carbon, Climate Change, cop27,

Unwrapping the truth behind packaging
As we carve our pumpkins and have sweets standing by for trick and treaters, or start buying or thinking about wrapping Christmas gifts early, some of us may be noticing the amount of single use plastic we are inadvertently consuming.
29 October, 2020 / Waste, Plastics,

The consultations on resource and waste policy - May 2019
The consultations on resource and waste policy - May 2019
25 April, 2019 / Waste, Corporate Sustainability, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Responsible Consumption and Production,

Have we become desensitised to the danger of plastic pollution?
Five things you can do everyday to reduce plastic pollution.
20 March, 2019 / Waste, Circular Economy, Plastics, Sustainable Cities and Communities,

Think Differently. Rio launch the Fire and Rescue e-learning module.
Think Differently, educating companies to become more sustainable and protect future environments.
11 March, 2019 / Waste, Circular Economy, Good Health and Wellbeing, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities and Communities,

Five things you need to know about the Resources and Waste Strategy Consultations
Five things you need to know about the Government Consultations on Waste Management.
6 March, 2019 / Waste, Circular Economy, Good Health and Wellbeing, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities and Communities,

Smoke and Mirrors
Smoke and mirrors
30 January, 2019 / Waste, Circular Economy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Partnerships for the Goals, Good Health and Wellbeing, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities and Communities,

My time at CivTech®
CivTech®. A unique accelerator programme that empowers public sector organisations to lay out specific challenges for private sector companies to solve. My name is Jack and I’m developing our answer to Challenge 6, “How can we transform the re-use of products for NHS Scotland?”.
26 October, 2018 / Waste, Circular Economy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Partnerships for the Goals, Good Health and Wellbeing, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities and Communities,

Ditto Sustainability thrilled to win CivTech® 3.0's Challenge 6
Ditto Sustainability has been chosen to transform the re-use of products for NHS Scotland. Reducing waste, providing cost savings, and developing skilled jobs; stimulating the Scottish circular economy.
24 October, 2018 / Waste, Circular Economy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Partnerships for the Goals, Good Health and Wellbeing, Decent Work and Economic Growth, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Sustainable Cities and Communities,

Shocking news highlights, 'What's your waste duty of care?'
A leading provider of healthcare waste management has been stockpiling tonnes of medical waste & body parts, failing to dispose of them properly; highlighting the importance of the waste duty of care. This blog explains the duty of care; providing practical guidance on how to meet your requirements.
9 October, 2018 / Waste, Health, Safety, and Wellbeing, Environmental Law and Compliance, Good Health and Wellbeing, Learning,

Energy-from-waste vs. Incineration. What's the difference?
Did you know that a portion of the rubbish that leaves your home is burned, and that some of it is recovered for energy?
20 September, 2018 / Waste, DEFRA, Food Waste, Environmental Law and Compliance, Climate Action,
The evolving role of the waste contractor
Times are changing... Public obsession with single use plastics, cries for better food waste management; and the emergence of the circular economy. But what does this mean for the oft maligned waste contractor? How does it need to adapt and evolve to respond to today's outspoken ethical consumer?
19 September, 2018 / Waste, Circular Economy, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Plastics, Food Waste, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, Learning,

RWM: Is my waste contractor ripping me off?!
Join us at RWM on both days at stand 4G101 (within Data, Tech & Services) to discuss sustainability learning, environmental compliance, waste data analysis & reporting; how AI technology can cost-effectively be used to advance the circular economy and protect future resources.
21 August, 2018 / Waste, Circular Economy, Events, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Corporate Sustainability, Environmental Law and Compliance, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure,

The Chinese Sword and all hell has broken loose
No, this is not an article about ninja warriors but about how Chinese policies on waste have impacted recycling and waste management in the UK (and elsewhere). A bit of history... As Chinese industries producing mass market products have grown, so has their appetite for raw materials...
13 August, 2018 / Waste, Plastics, Responsible Consumption and Production,

Why don’t we have food waste collections across the UK?
A response to Defra stating that food waste collections won't be made mandatory in the UK. Why don’t we have food waste collections across the UK? This will disappoint many and make others happy. The losers will be the AD and compost plants. The winners will be the landfill and incinerator operators
3 August, 2018 / Waste, Circular Economy, DEFRA, Food Waste, Climate Action,

An A-Z glossary of waste definitions
These abbreviations and acronyms are all common to the waste industry, however please note that when used in other contexts they can mean something different!
17 July, 2018 / Waste, DEFRA, Environmental Law and Compliance, Learning,

UN World Environment Day 2018: Beat Plastic Pollution
WED is an event that has been running since 1974, is regarded as the ‘UN's most important day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the protection of our environment’. Each year the event has a host country and a theme. This year’s theme is, ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’; hosted in India.
4 June, 2018 / Waste, Plastics, Clean Water and Sanitation, Partnerships for the Goals, Responsible Consumption and Production,

How much do we actually recycle? It cannot be possible!
The consultancy Eunomia published a report recently which lifts the lid on declared recycling figures. Their analysis finally gives some data credibility to what many of us already intuitively knew...it cannot be possible that we recycle half our waste in the UK...
15 May, 2018 / Waste, Plastics, Responsible Consumption and Production,

Beyond Earth Day 2018 and The Plastics Pact: to End Plastic Pollution
Earth Day 2018 and The Plastics Pact: to End Plastic Pollution
21 April, 2018 / Waste, Plastics, Responsible Consumption and Production,